I am now getting into chapter 2 of Stillwell's number theory book and one of the first things I have seen is how to find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two natural numbers using Euclid's subtraction algorithm. The greatest common divisor is equivalently known as the highest common factor (HCF) of two numbers. The OU defined the HCF of two natural numbers as "the largest number which is a factor of both or, alternatively, the product of the lowest power of each prime factor common to both" (see the OU's Revision Pack for MST121).
Let's see how this definition works. If I want the HCF of, say, 66 and 312, then breaking the numbers down into their prime factors we have 60=22x3x5 and 312=23x3x13. 2 and 3 are prime factors that are common to both numbers and the lowest power of 2 here is 2 and the lowest power of 3 is 1. Hence the HCF or gcd of 60 and 312 is 22x3=12.
Now let's see how Euclid's subtraction algorithm works. Let a, b be natural numbers with a>b. We let
$$ a_{1}=a, b_{1}=b ...(1)$$
Then for each (ai,bi) we form the pair (ai+1,bi+1), where
$$a_{i+1}=max(b_{i},a_{i}-b_{i}), b_{i+1}=min(b_{i},a_{i}-b_{i}) ...(2)$$
and this is another example of descent because both ai and bi are decreasing sequences. Eventually,
$$a_{k}=b_{k} ...(3)$$
for some k and we have that the gcd(a,b)=ak=bk.
So how does this work in practice? Taking our example from above, then we obtain the following sequence of pairs of numbers:
$$( a_{1}=312, b_{1}=60)$$
$$( a_{2}=252, b_{2}=60)$$
$$( a_{3}=192, b_{3}=60)$$
$$( a_{4}=132, b_{4}=60)$$
$$( a_{5}=72, b_{5}=60)$$
$$( a_{6}=60, b_{6}=12)$$
$$( a_{7}=48, b_{7}=12)$$
$$( a_{8}=36, b_{8}=12)$$
$$( a_{9}=24, b_{9}=12)$$
$$( a_{10}=12, b_{10}=12)$$
We stop at i=10 where a10 and b10 are equal. Hence the gcd(312,60)=12 as we have already discovered. It looks like the sequence ai (i=1 to k) is strictly decreasing whereas the sequence bi isn't. This in fact turns out to be the case and one of the tasks I set myself was to prove that this algorithm does indeed always work and this (lengthy) proof will be the subject of my next blog.
I just love this sort of maths. There is something very honest about it all. Have you ever read 'How to Prove it', Velleman. It gives quite a nice set of strategies, examples and techniques that can be used when proving or disproving in Number and Set theory. It also shows how to use the software 'Proof designer', which is great fun, too. My copy is well thumbed as it is nice 'fireside' material that goes well with port and cheese.
Hi Dan, no I haven't read that book but I have made a note of it. I love this sort of maths too and there is a great joy to be had in working out a proof. Perhaps maths is the perfectionists dream. There aren't many things in life that you can have total control over and obtain a result which you know is absolutely true. I can't really explain why I find numbers so interesting either, but I do. Perhaps it is the infinitude of underling patterns that are waiting to be teased out of them.