Saturday, 4 April 2015

RSA Factoring Challenge (part 3)

Suppose you had two prime numbers p and q, both m digits long, and these were, respectively, Xm-1Xm-2...X1X0 and Ym-1Ym-2...Y1Y0 (where the subscripted X and Y's represent the decimal digits of p and q) then the product of p and q can be written as the product of

$$(X_{m-1} \times 10^{m-1} + X_{m-2} \times 10^{m-2} + ... + X_{1} \times 10 + X_{0}) \times (Y_{m-1} \times 10^{m-1} + Y_{m-2} \times 10^{m-2} + ... + Y_{1} \times 10 + Y_{0})$$

Ignoring the powers of 10 for the moment, the terms in the above can be written as a matrix of products of digits in p and q. For example for m=4, we get

$$\begin{pmatrix} X_{0}Y_{0} & X_{0}Y_{1} & X_{0}Y_{2} & X_{0}Y_{3} \\
                               X_{1}Y_{0} & X_{1}Y_{1} & X_{1}Y_{2} & X_{1}Y_{3} \\
                               X_{2}Y_{0} & X_{2}Y_{1} & X_{2}Y_{2} & X_{2}Y_{3} \\
                               X_{3}Y_{0} & X_{3}Y_{1} & X_{3}Y_{2} & X_{3}Y_{3}

Suppose that the result of the product was n then, as we have seen in my previous post, we can say that n is either 2m or 2m-1 digits long and we can write n as Z2m-1Z2m-2Z2m-3...Z1Z0 (where the subscripted Z's represent the decimal digits of n). This means that Z2m-1 may be zero. We can now relate the products of the digits in p and q to the digits in n by noticing that the terms along any diagonal line in the above matrix parallel to the one that passes through X3Y0 and X0Y3 have a multiple of 10 which is the same for each term. Since Zi (i running from 0 to 2m-1) involves the sum of these terms modulo 10 we can write a set of simultaneous equations, which for m=4 are:-


Note that we have to include a carry term Ci for each equation so that we can accommodate the multiples of 10 accumulated in the previous equation. We also know that Z7 may be zero in which case so might be C7 (via equation 8).

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