Tuesday 8 October 2013

Crisis, what crisis?

How can I be having a crisis at this stage, I hear you say? Well it's perfectly possible. I pretty much know how much work I have left to do over the 8 months of these two courses. I reckon that to cram 32 books into 8 months I need to be reading roughly 6 pages a day (3 from each course) and as I have already done a third of the books, that leaves 4 pages a day. So, since my last post I have been trying to do just that but I am struggling! What with trying to answer the exercises, read the proofs and then start to think about the coursework, it ain't easy.

So lo and behold I have reasoned that I am going to have to adopt a new strategy which I don't like very much. It comes in three parts 1) don't try to answer all the exercises 2) when answering an exercise just sketch out the answer and don't try to answer it as you would properly 3) skip the proofs where possible. Yuk! I don't like this prescription very much but I would rather not be sitting for hours on end each day getting back ache. And surprise, surprise, I have found that by doing this I can get 4 pages done a day - welcome to the real world!!

Progress. Ok, NT4 is done and I have nearly worked through GE1 (counting theorem again, but in a slightly more advanced and detailed way). I have been away for a weeks holiday in Norfolk and so I decided, in my non-holiday moments, to see I could finish TMA01 of M336 and amazingly I have! I have also done all the number theory questions of TMA01 of M381. I think M381 is harder! So now I feel a bit more relaxed and I can crack on with what I think will be increasingly more difficult material.


  1. Yes Duncan welcome to the real world :) you have described my experience over the past few years precisely it's not very satisfactory but you learn to live with it just.
    Anyway going to start in earnest over the next week or so. just recovering from my quantum mechanics exam which wasn't to bad hope we can meet up at one of the tutorials and finally have that pint together

    Best wishes Chris


    1. Hi Chris. I am a bit of a perfectionist and so I don't really enjoy this way of doing things but I guess I will have to put up with it if I want to finish the degree on time. It was a bit like that for my first degree.

      I have seen that you have been busy and I hope it went well. I am looking forward to meeting up at the tutorials and having that pint and seeing you and Alan again.
